stigma and being denied drs due to bpd

I'm having trouble finding a Dr who will see me. Because of my history. I was diagnosed as bpd and have a long history of suicide attempts and being pumped hospitalized etc. for about 3 years I have been suicide free I haven't even had any alcohol or taken any drugs not even anti depressants. I want to see help again as I'm having some feeling so emptiness and dissociation. I'm thinking I should just deny any diagnosis of bpd? I remember when I was open about my diagnosis many drs would say oh sorry we don't treat that 😔. I watched sokme YouTube clips were YouTubers also said they have heard of people being turned down by therapist for a diagnosis of bpd. so what do I do? I barley meet criteria anyways anymore. I just have the emptiness and dissociation. And starting to relapse an addiction and want to nip it in the bud before I fall into a trap. I've been addiction free for 3 years now. Should I go and just not disclose this fact? Should I disclose it? 😔 also do you think people with bpd should be able to be turned down based on a diagnosis I find it really rude. living with bpd is he'll I know people hate people with bpd as some people have caused others alot of pain but this stigma is really not helping people seek help. it's actually causing people to be quite and deny and not seek help thus not changing. what's your opinion Tia. Also I know I'm not supposed to post anonymously and if this gets deleted ok. I really feel like I don't want to share this info with my profile visible and ide rather be unheard than stigmatized.

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