Flakes...I just became one of them.


So my best friend asked me to go on vacation with her and her family. I agreed but was nervous bc my and my husband are on a financial tight spot. So without me asking, and like the good friend she is, she was planning on paying for my expenses. But I felt terrible letting her do that bc I’m the type of person who will give and give but I refuse to receive. I just always feel bad asking for help or anything but will give my last dollar without thinking twice.

So I texted her a week before the trip. Explaining that I planned to take 300 with me to pay half of the room and to pay bare minimum in food. I was stretching it but I thought I was going to be able to manage. She said not to worry about having enough for food bc she would pay. I said thank you but still felt terrible. Come two days before the trip and my husband got overdrafted on his account which would only leave me 100 for the trip. I was freaking out but I texted her and was like idk what to do now I only have 100 which won’t even cover my half. And I was ready to say I wouldn’t go. She was understanding and was like, “ I wouldn’t invite you to a trip you can’t afford without happily paying for your food and expenses. So I thanked her swollowed my ego and said okay and that I’d come up with the 30 dollars left to pay for the room.

The next night.the day before the trip. My husband got over drafted again.and he felt so bad telling me but I felt even worse telling her. I told her what happened and told her I didn’t think I should go. She didn’t reply. So after thinking of all these solutions I told her I thought I had one and she replied saying she hoped so bc she couldn’t pay for the room herself bc something came up and she lost some of the extra money helping her mom pay for something else, other wise she would have. Well at the end I couldn’t make it work. I told her that I was sorry but I shouldn’t go bc I don’t want to put her in a bad position where she can’t afford all she wanted just bc of me. She got kinda mad but just replied with ok. And I texted back, I really wants to go but I don’t want to go for free, or put you in a position where you run out of what you saved. Especially bc of me. She never replied. I feel like such a bad friend for flaking literally the day before