May Clomid buddies :)

Brittany • I`m 30; DH is 31 :) NICU RN. Our little boys are Kiptyn Theodore born on 9/9/16 & Knox Atlas born 2/23/18. Third baby due 2/25/21♥️
Hi everyone! I am 24, My DH is 26 and we are TTC baby #1 :) This is my first time taking Clomid! We have been TTC for 14 months now with no luck. During this time I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, so I am taking Synthroid, and I have only ovulated one time that we know of during this past year. My OBGYN has started me on Provera 10mg for 10 days and then I am to start Clomid 50 mg days 5-9 of cycle. Anyone else in the same boat as us?? We are excited but very nervous. It would be amazing to get pregnant this first round since we would be finding out if it worked around my birthday!