My Rainbow Miracle 🌈

Stacey • 23 🇦🇺 🌈baby Zaiden born🌈

After my loss last year in August to my baby girl.

On the 16th of October 2017 my little miracle was born at 4:56pm. I was told that my baby boy was in Breech at 32 weeks, I was monitored every other day to see if he’d move but he didnt :( . Everything didn’t go as I’d hoped, I was not able to give birth naturally so I had an elective c section. I was told that he was in the 3rd centile and was very small and my have to stay in nicu for a little while.

He’s birth weight was 2160 and he was only 44cm long, even though he was small he was able to stay with me in the ward the whole time at hospital, I was there for a week just to be sure, but he was with me and not in nicu.

I’m just so happy he’ here in mummy’s and daddy’s arms safe and sound.

My rainbow baby my miracle ❤️