Birth plan out the window


On Tuesday I️ has having irregular contractions no big deal then throughout the day they become more frequent but still irregular. Wednesday night they started to come every 5 mons but were only lasting 15 seconds not even. So I️ called my doctor 👨‍⚕️ no answer. So I️ took a shower and I️ going to go to bed and wait until my doctors appointment in the morning. But something told me to go to the hospital and thank good I️ did. I️ got to the hospital at 12:30am still having painful contractions they checked me I️ was 6cm dilated and 100% enffaced I️ was shocked 😳. They admitted and took me upstairs by 1am. They ordered my epidural by the time he came and installed my epidural. I️ screamed I️ need to push the nurse was asking me what does it feel like how do I️ know I️ need to push. I️ said check me now when she checked me my water exploded in her face. My SO was laughing so hard. I️ was in so much pain my SO said I️ see the head you need to push I️ said no I️ can’t I’m in to much pain. One push she was out no tearing no medication. Just a precious little angel. Aubriella Rose 🌹 Wilson was born 11-2-17 at 2:27am. Listen to your body. If I️ didn’t go to the hospital I️ would be having her in my house. I️ didn’t have any tearing or anything. What I️ did was use 3 primerose oil capsules every other day.

Melanie with her little sister Aubriella