

Only 3 weeks out and I'm trying not to admit it. But I do believe that I'm depressed. I really prayed that this wouldn't happen to me, but I guess I didn't pray hard enough for maybe he was just busy helping someone else with a bigger problem then what I have. I have suffered from depression before I was pregnant, to the point where I tried to kill myself on many occasions. Now with a child it's something that I really don't want to go threw. My child does not deserve that he deserves all of me hot half or nothing. I really don't want to tell my doctor because I don't want to get on medication. I like to do everything the natural way like teas, Essential oils and home remedies. But they may not work this time around. It doesn't help that at this very moment instead of loving this time and enjoy every minute of it my mind is somewhere else because of the hardships that I'm going through right now. And I also do not have anyone to support me or talk to. My boyfriend at the time doesn't really spend time with the baby he says it is because I am breast feeding. He gets upset when I can't clean the house because I am tending to my child. And if I tell him I'm depressed he states that he is too because of what he is going through. Every time I'm holding the baby I try to make sure that he doesn't see that I'm upset. I just don't know what to do.