How to get through an abortion? Please help

I am young, my partner had no intentions of raising a baby, especially with me, and wanted an abortion. I lost my father at nine so I know how hard it is to not have a dad growing up and I didn't want my baby to go through that. I believe a made a good decision but not the best, I think my baby would've been better with me. I am regretting the hell out of this decision. Even when I was a day before getting it I had expressed I wanted to have my baby to her/his father, who I thought I loved, and he told me "to be str8 up we shouldn't have the baby". It crushed me and I was breaking down my whole appointment at PP. All my pregnancy he suggested abortion the only nice thing that occurred was the cute "fights" over whether it'd be a boy or girl. Other than that hed have exes over his house and I'd find out and he'd play stupid. Recently after the abortion we tried to be together, which I said we'd never do, and it didn't work. Now I'm 2 weeks since the procedure and in deep crippling depression. I don't want to be with anyone. I'm constantly crying and hating myself. Like i did most of my pregnancy I'm doing this alone. I've always been depressed so this experience did not help. I don't know what to do. I don't want to do this my whole life and I feel stupid for trying to mourn even when I did this. I'm a bright kid and use to see a future for myself now I don't. I have attempted suicide since and obviously that didn't work. I don't want to go through my life or even the next year with this. Cause I wanted my baby... and it hurts seeing other people pregnant or talking about the bad of abortion cause I use to never be for it. Please help.