Christmas time & gifts??


I’m fighting with myself right now because I feel that all the kids should be taken care of first and then the adults even if that includes your spouse but then I can see my boyfriends point too. So who do you make sure you get gifts for first?

Obviously your going to make sure your own kids get gifts first but after them, if you are low on money, who comes next?

My boyfriend said it should be the ppl in the household meaning the kids first then mom and dad and then buy for the rest of family.

I thought it should be the kids first, & if you have money left over then other kids in the family like nieces, nephews, cousins, etc just anybody that’s really young, then mom and dad (meaning you and husband/wife), then other adults like your parents or your siblings.

I can see my boyfriends POV tho so I’m wondering who do you buy for first?