
This is going to sound really stupid. But my husband has a history of cheating (never physically) but we were in a rough patch. I honestly considered it at one point so we have been working on it for months now.

I have been trusting him. But today he said he was on his way home from work but needed to stop because he really needed to poop. I said okay, well at 7:20 he texted me and said “I’m almost done” and I replied with “send me a picture” (NOT of the poop for the record lol. He always sends me pictures of him because his face gets red and it’s hilarious.” Well literally at 7:21 he calls and says “I’m in the car now, I completely forgot to send a pic. I’ll be home soon.”

It got me wondering.. how do you wipe, wash your hands, and get all the way to the car in less than a minute?

Maybe I’m being hormonal here, idk. I checked his location on an app we have and it said he is at a gas station. Which made me worry more because the last time he “cheated” it was with a girl he met at a gas station. But that was in a different state. I just need some words of advice.

I know I know, “don’t be with him if you can’t trust him” I’m doing everything I can to move on. I just need someone to tell me if im overthinking this