This is not okay, right?!?!


I was at work today and having a rough day because I had a new manager following me to see how things are done on the floor as a server and she was questioning everything I was doing. At one point told me if I was going to greet a table she should be there. She would repeat everything I said to the customers and ask if that's what they wanted, touch customers kids and SO's without warning and she gave me a very firm slap in the back and a punch in the arm for selling a gift card. The final straw for me was when she told our host, who happens to be black, that I told her his head looked like a brillo pad, which I can assure I did not. I've heard people use that as a racially driven insult against my cousins and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go grab another manager to talk with them about what was happening. After that I pulled our host aside and apologized for what she said and let him know I never said that about him. Am I overreacting? I feel like she needs to get her shit in check before she works tomorrow.