Husbands driving me crazy

So my husband and I are only together 2 nights a week due to our work schedules. We don't get off til 11pm opposite days and I always have to get up with the baby at night. Right now she's getting her canine teeth screaming, not sleeping, not eating, fever, diarrhea, etc. I also am on my period this week and have insanely painful periods (I have ovarian cysts). My husband and I have had sex 2x this week so far it's been a rough week for me he hasn't helped at all been gone all week he says to me in the middle of the baby screaming "it would be nice to have sex with my wife for once in my life" then leaves for work yelling at me for being upset and doesn't say bye or anything then texts me saying "learn how to control your period and fucked up emotions for the sake of your family" I am pissed and that is the biggest turn off everrrr. Am I wrong for being annoyed?