Am I wrong??


No hate please.

So my husband told me that 2 out of 4 of the guys wives in his shop are expecting. I’m currently in my fertile week and told him that during the convo. I made a post in another group about this because he told me we had to be careful for my “fertilization week” and I thought that phrase was funny. Well I got some hate bc they felt I should have told him earlier then that about being in my fertile week. He doesn’t like knowing that kind of stuff because he feels pressured to make it happen. He’d rather just have fun in bed and let it happen naturally. I don’t feel like I’m suppose to ask him if it’s alright to procreate. I asked him if I could stop north control so he knows there’s nothing preventing it from happening unless we use a condom and I won’t tell him no if he asks for one. We both want baby #2, but aren’t forcing it to happen. Am I wrong for feeling the way I do??