My man pisses me off....

Okay.. so I just need to rant and this seems like a good place to just let it all out without “literally” letting it all out into my social and personal life. MY FIANCÉ LITERALLY PISSES ME OFF. First of all, I’m 36 weeks pregnant on Tuesday. Second of all, I’ve been working my whole pregnancy almost every day Wed-Sun. So obviously, I’m tired, hungry, and all around not in the greatest mood when I get home from working all day on those days. This is where I’m going to tell you HOW he pisses me off...... HE STARTS CLEANING EVERY DAMN THING RANDOMLY AND COMPLAINS ABOUT ME NOT HELPING HIM WHEN HE DOESN’T EVER ASK FOR HELP!!!! He ONLY does this on days I work... I have Monday’s and Tuesdays off, SO DOES HE. WHY WOULD YOU NOT JUST WAIT UNTIL THOSE DAYS TO CLEAN UP????? We have a baby that is almost ready to literally fall out of me and you expect me to be happy-go-lucky about cleaning up at 10 at night after working all day? WHILE YOU SAT AT HOME ALL DAY? GOOD FUCKING BYE 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I’m sooooooo irritated.