Our story


Hey girls...I wanted to let you know how we got on and what we did to help a bfp!! I'm now 6 weeks. We both started taking PREGNACARE- FOR COUPLES. We continued with a healthy diet and researched which foods to boost sperm and implemented them daily into DH diet. We kept a stress free environment. When it come to fertile week we BD, the night before then the next evening, left it a day and BD again. We'd BD every second day especially on Ovulation day and day after ovulation. We used PRE-SEED LUBRICANT. Our successful sex position was missionary with legs up on shoulders if you want too. After ejaculation, I would throw my legs up in the air and do some lifts and stayed like it for 10-20. We tried once and got it once and only tried for 1.5 week leading up to ovulation and during. I hope this helps you with your journey through TTC as it happened so quick for us. Use opks between 10am-8pm with little fluids beforehand. Best of luck and I hope this helps you.