Ear piercing pain


So today I was putting groceries in the boot of the car and when I was finished I went to close the boot, unfortunately my head was still in the way a little.

I managed to hit my conch piercing with a barbell, you know the one with a ball that you can unscrew?

At first it hurt a little bit and I went to touch it to see if the ball had fallen off, I couldn’t feel the ball and the bar was pushed so it was mainly out the back.

I didn’t worry too much cause it wasn’t bleeding and a replacement ball only cost a few dollars.

I tried to push it forwards and realised it couldn’t move, like it had been stuck. I look down at my fingers and realise there was blood all over them.

I try again to move it and when it didn’t budge I realised what had happened.

The ball had been pushed INTO THE CARTILAGE OF MY EAR.

So I’m just standing here like “oh god it’s stretched out the cartilage and its gotten stuck I won’t be able to move it”.

I told my mum that the ball was in my ear and she just said to tilt my head to the side and shake it, that it’d just fall out.

I reminded her that the ball was IN my ear, like the cartilage and she just looks at me and goes “oh, oh deer”.

I had to physically push the back of the jewellery to the front to get it out and with two small hits it was back in the place it should be...and then the blood started pouring.

Let’s just say be careful if you get piercings and think of all the scenarios where something could go wrong.

Oh, and move your head out of the way when you’re closing the boot.