3am wake up call.

FTM 33wks exactly

Let me tell you about my morning work out...

3am wake up feeling rotten.

My sides and my back hurt and I’m worried I had a kidney infection. Go for a wee and then it hit.

It’s a weird sensation but I could feel it building and by the peak I was kneeling on the floor over the bath trying to breath and not throw up. It lasted about a minute, maybe 90 seconds, but it was one of the longest minutes of my life.

When it subsided I felt freezing cold and clammy and pretty damn awful. 10 minutes later and it happened again. Is this labour?!

I’m thinking shit. It’s too early. But we got this. Hubby’s asleep and I really don’t want to wake him but my notes (with the number to call on) are in the car.

He wakes up as I’m pulling on my pjs and offers to go get them for me. (I love this man more than anything)

But I really just can’t bare to still, the walk’ll be good (it’s only a few houses down the street).

I get my notes and he’s waiting in the living room. I pace for a bit. Trying to describe how I feel. I don’t think it’s labour. It’s too irregular. But I feel really unwell. I sit on my ball. The movement helps. It’s been 20mins since the last one. I’m thinking I’m making a fuss out of nothing. But I seriously feel like crap.

It’s 4am. Let’s go back to bed.. And then comes another. Not as intense as the previous 2. But longer. Definitely time to call the unit.

They tell me it sounds like Braxton Hicks. Have a hot bath and call back in an hour.

A bath?! It’s like a lightbulb goes on in my head. That’s exactly what my body wants.

So I run a bath. Hubby comes to check on me. I tell him go back to bed. I soak.

445 Hick. Much less intense.

5 Hick. Shorter.

510 Hick. Bearable.

520. Get out of the bath.

530. Call the unit back.

False alarm.

Go back to bed.

7am wake up. Was it all a dream?!

Did I make it up? Was I being a drama queen?

Apparently not.