40weeks 2 days

Tkelly621 • Mama to four beautiful little girls :-)

40weeks 2 days.....Was up most of the night with my youngest daughter(almost four yrs old) with the stomach bug.... got my husband up for work at 5am....Started contractions around 530am...coming every 17mins or so. Came to the hospital when they were 10 mins apart at home. Got to the hospital and was 3cm. Walked and did squats for an hr and was at a 4 (1130am) so I was admitted. Tried laboring on my own but nothing really happened..the contractions weren't doing anything so I got started on pitocin. I knew from a previous experience how different the contractions were with pitocin so after a couple hours, I got the epidural And was at 6cm. Two hrs later I was 8, dr broke my water and told me it should be about two more hours to push. It was literally 20 mins after that, the epidural completely lost effect and she was right there ready to come out. I power pushed for about 15 mins and welcomed my fourth daughter into the world.

She is nameless at the moment, but hopefully tomorrow I can choose. She was 6lbs 4oz, 19in. of pure perfection.