11 days late, bfn, spotting rant

Christine • I`m a: wife, artist, chef, writer, philosopher, comedian, critic, cartoonist, receptionist looking to add Mom to my title.

I really feel like my af wants to come on. I noticed some light pink spotting on Sat morning... then again Sunday night just once after I went to the bathroom. I woke up on Monday to more spotting but it was dark brown and only last till I arrived to work. Nothing last night then i woke again to more brown spotting that stopped after my first bathroom visit. I haven't tested since Sunday.

My cycle has done this before... spot for a number of days before af comes. I've gone to the dr for it in the past and they offer no solution aside from birth control which hasn't helped me.

I'm still experiencing symptoms that I believe af is coming... I really don't think I'm pregnant this time... especially since the spotting started which has happened before.

I'm really frustrated because of course I feel like there's something wrong. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry but in reality how do you not? I'm so stressed that I'm just going to spot forever and a day which is what I have done in the past due to polyps. So of course I fear the polyps are back.

I've called my dr again and they want me to "wait it out" to see if af comes on. I'm currently trying to find a different dr that accepts my insurance it's just hard to call as I work the standard 8-430. I'm mostly just tired of this roller coaster. One minute I believe I'm out without a doubt and then throughout the day I start wondering if it's possible....

I spent the majority of my night reading about implantation bleeding past expected af which basically every post stated it wasn't possible. So it further convinced myself that af is trying to start. Well thanks for reading my rant. I don't have any questions... just wanted to complain to other ladies who understand what's going on.