Not feeling right!


Week before last I was constantly throwing up and feeling sick to my stomach and last week I had constant diarrhea and now I’m back to constantly throwing up and feeling sick. I have gone to the doctor twice and they keep telling me I’m not pregnant but will not do a ultrasound. All they want to do is draw more and more blood and I’m tired of them taking blood from me and charging me high ass bills but can’t tell me what’s wrong with me. My mom told me if it keeps happening to go back to the er and tell them what’s going on. Does anyone now what could be wrong? I have no idea and I’m just constantly being told I’m not pregnant but there is no way I’m not. Not trying to be to personal or anything like that but my period was late and so we though I was pregnant so I’m fiancé just keep cumming in me and so I don’t see how I’m not but the doctors keep telling me I’m not so I don’t know what to do. My period was 85 days late and then I started bleeding and I bleed for 5 days straight so I don’t know if I was just so so stressed or if I had a miscarriage but if it was a miscarriage I believe the pains would have been way worse then what they worse because I have had a miscarriage before and the pains were no where close to what they were the first time but they were extremely horrible. The pains were so bad it took me 10min just to be able to sit down because it hurt so bad. Someone please tell me what you think I should do or what you think could be wrong because I have no idea and I’m tired of constantly thinking there’s something wrong with me. Please HELP!!!!