So stressed - venting

Snicket🎯அமாண்டா • Married to the love of my life for 14 years. Proud Pegan. All hail the mighty Pez.

So I called a couple of weeks ago to set up my first prenatal visit with my regular OBGYN. No problem. No one informed me there were any issues at all. Got scheduled. Got the paperwork in the mail. Filled everything out and was ready to go tomorrow.

Then, I get an automated call reminding me of my visit with NOT my regular OBGYN whom I have been seeing for almost ten years. Nope. They scheduled me with another doctor in the office WITHOUT informing me.

So I called to get it straightened out and it turns out my doctor is not seeing any new OB patients. No one told me.

So now I don't get to see the doctor until I'm around 13 weeks because the only other doctor in the office I like can't see me until then.

And honestly, that's more okay with me than the fact that I don't get to see the doctor I have trusted for so many years.

I'm still not sure I'm not going to have a panic attack.

I know it's such a silly thing to get worked up over, but I feel blindsided and unsteady and completely unsure about this whole pregnancy now.

Bleh. Sorry. Rant over.