31 weeks 2 days


I am so done with today! I'm so tired because between restless legs, hip pain, and my 17 month old daughter I can't sleep at night oh also having to pee every 30 mins. but today I've been in so much pain. my hips and my lower back and the baby moving all over and in my ribs! I've tried to rest today but every time I went to sit down my 4 yr old needed something. I mean I went to go poop and my 17 month old was climbing on top of the table! I was sure glad my husband got home from work when he did! I went to our room and had a good cry. still think I need to cry more though. I'm just so tired of hurting. and I've done everything my doctor has suggested. I'm just so ready to be done! this is for sure my last baby! and I'm trying to enjoy it but some days I just can't take it.