I hate everything

I hate everything right now. I am just so so upset I can't even say this right. I'm always the taken for granted friend, no one really cares about me, and if I left this school no one would really care. No one has ever cared about me. I'm never the best friend. I'm never important. I'm never, never good enough but for my one best friend at home who I never even see and doesn't know any of the things I'm dealing with because I don't tell anyone, I don't talk. I have trichtillomania and anxiety and OCD and I am only not self harming because I don't have a razor at school and just everything has been so bad and I have to be careful long story and I just can't do this. I've lost two best friends in the past years, one is in an institution somewhere I'll never see her again and just no one here cares about me and I hate myself and I'll never be good enough. I have never been good enough and I'm trapped in my own mind and I can't do this anymore.