Help me😭


I’m 35w3d pregnant. I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks and have been having contractions ever sense. But last night they got worse so I went in, they were because I was dehydrated cause I’ve been throwing up and having severe diarrhea for the past 3 days and they checked me and i was still at 2cm which i have been since 34 weeks. Well tonight I’m pretty sure I started nesting cause i have the urge to clean everything and got a huge burst of energy and I have the urge to poop but when I try to poop nothing happens and I just get a bunch of pressure in my vagina. I’ve had contractions sporadically throughout the day so I don’t think labor is coming tonight but man the pressure is killing me. I’ve also been having some bloody discharge which I think is my mucus plug or bloody show.

I wish this kid would come but then again I don’t because he needs to cook. I’m just tired of hurting.

Does this sound like he could come soon? Or just normal discomfort?