mother in law😒😠😡😧ne

so we live with my mother in law and father in law. She is so crazy sometimes. She's spanish speaking which I've been learning to try to help talk to her, but yet when I say something she acts like I said it wrong and ignores what I'm saying if it's something I need to talk to her about. so my bf says im saying it right but she's just being ornery. The other day she was doing laundry and looked done. her clothes were folded, nothing in the hamper or washer but there was a load in the dryer. I asked her in Spanish if she was done...she ignored I got up closer to her, she looked me in the eye and said idk what you're I was not dealing so I went and started a load. My bf comes home and she starts screaming at him because she wasn't done washing and that I wasn't considerate enough to ask her....bitch I asked you...i even repeated myself in Spanish to my bf and he said yeah that's correct. today, the ONE day I leave my keys I come home and she's gone and everything is locked, front gate, front and back door. She always leaves one door unlocked for her kids when she leaves just in case theyy forgot their keys...but when It came to me...she locked me out. so I texted her in Spanish and asked her when she would be response. So I was like I'll go grocery shopping and come back...i was gonna do it anyways...i come back and the bitch is sitting there talking to my bf on the phone saying that I never came home. he and I were texting so he knew I was fine...but then she was like oh I went grocery shopping...youll have to find room...we have two fridges and a walkin pantry and she FILLED THEM. She has never done that and she filled t up with things we already fucking had and got nothing that we needed like I did and I couldn't put my shit anywhere because it was jam packed. I'm so fucking done with this bitch smiling the whole time. I'm ready to move back out! ugh! sorry I had to rant at this dumbass