First Time Telling Someone I Have HSVII 😖


Once I found out that I had HSVII I was devastated, Confused, Betrayed, and scared the first thought I had was what if I was to find someone (Boyfriend -Husband) how would I tell them with them looking at me like I'm this Disgusting person, Till one day I was talking to this guy he made me feel like I can confide in him until I told him. He was uneasy at first but then he made sure that it was OK, I asked him was he comfortable with being with someone who has a STD?,he assure me that everyone has their flaws.

But Im still scared to open up about my status I watch this channel on YouTube with overstepping my Status, The Channel I watch is Belize Spivey she assures you That things are going to be OK

Check her out
