Baby nightmares?

☀️Katelyn☀️ • 👦🏼 Elijah David ~ 👶🏼 Sebastian Joel

Is it possible for newborns to have nightmares? My baby’s 2 1/2 weeks old and this has only happened probably 2 or 3 times, but he’ll be sound asleep and then suddenly start hysterically crying for a few seconds, with his eyes still closed and everything, and then he’ll suddenly stop and continue sleeping. It scared the crap out of me when he first did it lmao

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Children on average do not have nightmares until the age of 4-5 due to specific brain development. But this is a generality and there are always exceptions to the rule :)


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Could be night terrors. My daughter had this, it's important not to try to wake them up during a night terror because it could leave them disoriented.


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gas pain it sounds like


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Could be gas pains!


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My son is 5 weeks and he still does this. Yes it’s normal!