Feeling so alone

Jennifer • Had baby girl
I'm 12 weeks 3 days pregnant with my 3rd baby. It was not planned at all I was told two years ago I couldn't have anymore kids. my boyfriend and I have been together since November. He hasn't worked a day since we've been together. He hasn't helped with bills or anything. I've talked to him about it. We've fought about it. I work and pay all the bills but only hey 25 hours a week right now and I'm struggling. In march when I found out I was pregnant he told me he was working making close to $40 an hour. He promised he would help pay rent and I trusted him. Come April 6 he didn't have the money. Me and my kids almost lost everything till my mom stepped up to pay my rent. He said he was working but lost his job when he stayed home with me when I had strep throat. But I've never seen any money come in from it. I've called off the wedding hoping he would realize in serious about him getting his shit together or I'm out. Yesterday I told him he needed to figure something out about a job cause I can't do this anymore. It turned into a huge fight. He said he has a job at Walmart but they're still waiting on his background check. It's been 8 days so far. I told him instead of waiting for them he can still be out looking while he's waiting. He said how he doesn't have any money for the bus. I told him to walk if that's what it took. He said it's not like he doesn't cook dinner every night and clean. But that doesn't pay the bills. Everyday he just sits here while I'm the one that works. I told him of he doesn't figure something out by the first I'm done and will raise this baby alone. He swears he will have a job by then but I doubt that since he's not doing anything to fix it. He says he loves me and wants to be with me and abs build a family with me but I don't see it and I refuse to support him he's 44 years old he should be working to help support this child he helped create. I guess I just needed to vent I feel so alone and have no one to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.