Uncaring husband

Sorry in advance for such a long story.

My husband and I have been together almost 7 years. Together we have a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old and now expecting a baby.

He joined the military and we moved to Alaska for 3 years. It was a good yet horrible experience. It taught me how to be independent, but it also showed me how my husband was a crappy husband. I'll admit I eventually stopped trying too.

After 3 years we end up being transferred to the lower 48. Those 3 years in Alaska definitely helped me grow up and mature. As at the time I was only 18 years old.

To the point; my husband can careless about my feelings. I've been talked down to by his family and others but never once does he defend me. It breaks my heart. I would do anything and everything for this man and our children but when it comes to doing the right thing for me, he doesn't do it.

I'm just at a complete loss. We've done counseling. The counselor even explained it to him and in other words completely agreed with me. What more can I do?

I'm just tired of being the caring and giving person yet always shit on.