Vegan Pregnancy with severe nausea

Megan • Vegan Celiac 🍴Baby Girls 7-2018, 4-2020 ❤️

I am almost 7 weeks pregnant with my first. I've been vegan over 10 years and was diagnosed with celiac disease about 2 1/2 years ago so I do not eat gluten either.

I feel like every week I get further into the first trimester I get more sick. More intense headaches, more severe nausea. I've tried herbal pregnancy teas and organic pregnancy nausea drops. I've tried drinking lots of water. Starting my day off with protein bars. I sleep 8 to 12 hours a day

As a vegan I'm obviously used to eating a diet high in vegetables but anything with too much texture makes me sick. I can't eat chunky soups or tofu scrambles or anything like that without getting sick. On top of that I can't even eat half of a normal portion size. I'm a teacher and so it's really challenging to have to eat small things every couple hours. I would love to be able to eat some saltines or something bland to calm my stomach about all the gluten-free vegan crackers that I can find are full of seeds and other things that will only make me feel more sick (lots of texture and strong flavor). I tried some veggie chips for a while but it just seems like anything higher in fat also makes me sick.

I don't know what to do at this point. I feel like I'm having to restrict a lot of what I eat because texture makes me feel ill. Conversely eating less vegetables than I typically do is probably also making me feel ill. Nothing tastes good anymore. I was considering substituting fruit smoothies with my meals to get more calories. I don't know what else to do. Any other vegan moms have suggestions?