Sad but hopeful


So I took my sweet girl to the vet today to figure out what was up with her and turns out she has one of two things lymphoma or a type of untreatable virus that can be managed if that’s what she has, she has fluid in her chest and around her lungs and her lymph nodes are really swollen I chose to give her a fighting chance which is steroid pills and a pill that will dry up the fluid in her chest if we don’t see improvement in a week then we are going to put her down bc I don’t want her to suffer any longer then she has to. This is so hard she’s my baby and she’s only gotten to enjoy a year and half of life, I’m hoping these meds will work and she’ll show signs of improvement, she’ll have to be on them for the rest of her life but at least she will have a life and on them she will be a normal cat who just happens to need medicine. It’s hard to have another creatures life in your hands and to know if you’re doing the right thing for them or yourself, I do know that if she doesn’t get better then I will not let her suffer.