Fake friends 🤬

This is going to be a long ass rant!

Imma use fake names for these people I’ll add the name in brakets when I first mention them.

So last year I went through a massive friend brake up and so did my best mate (Catlin) so me and catlin became really close mates and we still are now and we became mates with two new girls ( Lacy and Lucy) so Lacy and Lucy were always together and were inseparable we were all so close and could tell each other everything we would always be texting when we weren’t together, school broke up for summer and it was lacys birthday so we all went round and slept over at hers but after that Lacy and lucy didn’t really text or talk to me and catlin for the whole of the summer when we got back to school we were all close again till recently. Lucy and Lacy had and argument so Lacy decided she was going to get close to me then she sorted things out with Lucy and just dropped me then they had another argument and she picked me up the dropped me again I still talk to Lucy a bit but not as much.

Lacy dose the same to me and catlin she just picks us up when she needs us then dropped us when she dosent need us we are both getting sick of this and don’t want to talk to her but I can’t just drop someone out of my life who was once my best mate but she’s just making everything feel like shit and Idk what to do?