Is it colic?

My almost 6 week old little girl had a terrible stomach ache last night that lasted a few hours. She pretty much cried 3 hours straight. It was the first night that this happened. She would cry and grunt and then passed gas. She passes gas pretty regular anyway. Outside of that she is pretty needy. She likes to be held most of the day and I can't get her to nap or sleep on her back unless she is swaddled. I figured it was just a phase that she would outgrow. Now my husband is saying she has colic. Yes she is fussy during the day if she's been in her swing or bouncy for to long but she usually stops crying once I pick her up unless she is tired and fighting it then she fussed until she falls asleep. Idk if this would qualify as colic or not. I just thought maybe I should change her formula to the sensitive for fussy and gassy.