Let my puppy suck on my finger while he sleeps

This is going to soind weird, and even I'll admit that it is a little. But I am a huge dog person and a big advocate that they have just as many feelings as people. My puppy is about 9 weeks old and we just adopted him. He clearly still misses his mother because he has tried to suck on other dogs abdomens, looking for nipples, and he wanders around the apartment looking for her before he slumps down and cries (literally, tears falling down his cheeks). I feel like such an arse for taking him away from his mum, but the man who sold him to me won't have him back.

Anyways, sometimes when he falls asleep he makes this suckling motion with his wee little mouth and it breaks my heart because I know he is dreaming of her. So I gently put my fingertip in his mouth and let him suckle on it until his dream is done. After he finishes he always has the biggest smile. I dunno, Im not doing it because Im some sort of perverted weirdo that likes to be sucked on by puplies. I am just trying to make him feel more at home and maybe not miss his mum so much. My hubby constantly calls me weird for it, though. and says he is embarrassed that I do it. What do you guys think? Should I stop? Am I a total psycho?