Breastfeeding troubles help

My daughter has been breastfeeding perfecting fine since she was born 14 weeks ago, she hasn’t used a bottle since she was about 6 weeks when I had my husband watch her for me 2 times and she’s been using a pacifier since she was 2 weeks. Since yesterday whenever she’s hungry I start trying to feed her by putting my boob in her mouth and she starts flipping out screaming crying. And I can’t get her to even start sucking or anything but she will suck on her binky then start crying again cause she’s hungry. The only way I can get her to eat is by constantly squeezing my own boob until I can get a let down myself and then she eats perfectly fine. Is she just being lazy? Why is she just randomly being like this? Should I take her to the doctor? She seems perfectly fine all day. It’s driving me crazy hearing he cry like that

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Try looking up nursing strikes on KellyMom. We went through one at 4 months but ours was due to a bottle preference. Nursing strikes could also be caused by thrush, an ear infection, gas, teething. I know sometimes there seems to be no reason at all. Regardless, kellymom has good info


Posted at
Is she teething or stuffy nose? Some babies go on what's called a nursing strike... Contact your local La Leche League Leader and she will be able to help assess your situation and provide great information!