Passed my belay test ✌

Morag 🌅🧡🌼🍂

so i rock climb to keep myself fit. been doing it for about a year now but only in the bouldering routes (no harness, no rope, shorter more intense routes). you can't top rope without passing belay and to pass belay you need to have a partner and prove you can give/take up slack and catch your partner if they fall. not a difficult skill but for whatever reason I failed the test twice before so I was scared. my friend came to climb with me but he told the guy at the counter I needed to take the test so I had no excuses. well, this time I passed! I'm so happy! I'm no longer that person who can't help everybody else out. small thing, but I'm in the habit of celebrating those. now I can go out and enjoy myself with my friends on real rock without feeling selfish. that's all.