Due date confusion


Has anyone else had any issues getting their doctor to confirm your due date? I was first told my due date was 03/08 at 13 weeks when i had my first ultrasound but the ultrasound tech kept saying the baby was measuring much smaller and my due date should be moved back. I asked my doctor and she said no we are still using the 8th based on your lmp. Fast forward to 20 weeks when I got my anatomy scan same thing tech says my due date is wrong cause baby is measuring too small and should be pushed back and doctor tells me we will do another ultrasound at 24 weeks and decide if we want to change the date then. Well that ultrasound was yesterday baby is still measuring small for a 03/08 due date and instead of changing the due date the doctor is sending me to get an ultrasound with a high risk doctor a then another one when i see her at 28 weeks. The good news is they say shes growing steadily but im still worried because i dont understand why a due date should be that hard to calculate. i know shes going to come whenever shes ready but im afraid if they keep the 8th as my due date and i get induced she will be too small. I know i have plenty of time im just wondering if anyone else has experience with this kind or thing. Thanks!