Anxiety over breastfeeding

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts about pumping solely and bottle feeding.

My husband does not want to use formula, which is understandable, but I have terrible anxiety over breastfeeding. Is it acceptable to pump and bottle feed and long as the baby is still getting breast milk?

With my daughter many years ago, we had to use formula. I was drug through the mud about it, but it was one of those situations where we had to. She would nurse forever and cry, unsatisfied. Even when we would pump and know exactly how much she was getting she was still unsatisfied, we ended up trying formula and suddenly she was a happy baby. I don’t know why breastmilk didn’t work for her, but I felt like a failure from all of the perfect moms that never had anything ever go wrong for them before...

This time Ive fully intended on breastfeeding and making it work, but the idea has my stomach totally in knots.