

I thought I’d introduce myself. I’m Ashley, I’m 8w1d pregnant with my fourth baby. I have two little boys, 3 and almost 2, and I had a baby girl in May. She had Trisomy 13, and lived for 8 weeks before dying in my arms. I miss her terribly, but I’m thankful that she sent me this sweet rainbow. I am hoping hard for a healthy baby, above all. In 2 weeks I should get to do the blood test that will tell me if this baby has a Trisomy or not, so I’m nervously waiting for that.

I go for my first scan tomorrow. I’m anxious to see a baby in there, hopefully with a heart beat. Secretly I’m hoping for 2! I had a weird cycle this time, as my LH surge was abnormally wrong and I got a positive test abnormally early (I temped, so I know exact dates 😬). I’ve been far more sick and way more tired this pregnancy. So I’m hoping for 2! Haha

Anyway, congratulations to everyone here. I have a plethora of knowledge and experience on pregnancy and labor and delivery, so if you ever have questions I’m an open book. 😊