Birth stories please .. being induced and terrified!!

I’m booked in to be induced next weekend on my due date. I’ll be 40 weeks.

I am absolutely terrified of giving birth as it is but now even more so now I’m being induced as everyone tells me how it hurts more, takes longer and is much more intense.

Before anyone says you don’t have to be induced. I know I don’t but I am as it’s safer for us both. It’s medical reason.

I am absolutely terrified. To the point where I cry when I think about it and I’m losing sleep over it. I’m driving myself mad.

I’m rubbish with pain, I have 0 tolerance what so ever. I know I can have a epidural but that’s not until I’m 5cm.

I am currently 1cm dilated and he’s not fully engaged yet. My cervix is still high and thick if that’s any difference.

Am I being stupid or is it really that bad??

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Posted at
I was induced at 39+5 and had a wonderful experience! My body and the baby were ready! I was only in labor for about 3 hours. I had no pain medication or intervention!


Posted at
I was induced at 40+4. It took 37 hours but I slept through most of it so it went by very quickly. My epidural didn’t work so I felt everything but it wasn’t unbearable, it was actually a lot easier than I thought it was going to be


pe • Nov 16, 2017
I wasn’t dilated or thinned at all beforehand


Posted at
With my first I went all natural like to the point I about delivered him in the car because I waited too long to get to the hospital but I was in labor for 24 damn hours. With my second I was 42 weeks no pain meds and induction begining to end was 6 hours. Breath Mama nobody knows how any labor/delivery will go


Posted at
I was 38+4 when I was induced I was in labor for a total of 14 hrs had an epidural so there was no pain it was very easy. If it is your first I really know that feeling. I was scared shitless until I saw my little baby boy for the first time. Then all the stress just went away.