Praying so hard for my angel baby. Symptom spotting like crazy.


So I posted yesterday with a faint positive test and a high percentage of people saw it too, now I'm freaking out hoping it's not a false positive and symptom spotting like crazy. With my first I felt sick like I had a hangover for a week before I tested. With my angel babies I had pain on my right ovary that wouldn't go away and tested the night before my period and got my positive. This month af isn't due until the 23rd, but I think I ovulated early in my cycle. I have not been feeling well, bloated, cramps, and pain on both ovaries this time, headache, boob sensitivity, and normally (tmi) I have yellow cm that looks like nose mucus and this time I have nothing like my finger is barely wet when I check. I'm just freaking out hoping that the faint positive is true and everything else I'm feeling are good signs. I'm not really posting a question I guess more just looking for someone that can commiserate and or is just in the same boat as me. I can't really talk to anyone around me about this because no one I know is in the same boat as me.