Rheumatoid Arthritis and infertility 😩😩


Hi ladies,

Do any of you have a SO suffering from RA?

My hubby does, he was diagnosed 4 years ago but it has been well controlled by medication. We have been TTC since April

With no luck. Digital OPK's confirm ovulation for me and my cycles and symptoms are regular.

However I just started doing some research on the drugs he's taking and infertility is a major side effect for one of the ones he takes daily.

I feel a sense of relief because at least I know what the cause is, but I'm worried his pain will return if he discontinues taking it for a while. Can anyone recommend any checks for myself to make sure that the months he stops taking it I myself are at a prime to conceive! I'm going to go to his next specialist appt in 4 days and chat with rheumatologist to see what our options are.

Feeling a bit sad tbh but given the research I have done, fertility should return to normal.

Any woman here with a hubby in the same position?

Lots of love!!