Better late than never!


My baby is almost three months old and I’m just getting around to sharing but here it goes!

I woke up early on a Thursday morning with extreme pelvic pressure and just shy of being 39 weeks along. I had started taking evening primrose oil 2 weeks prior in hopes to soften my cervix and make labor a little easier. I remember thinking that his head had to be about to pop out of me because it hurt so bad. I wasn’t having any contractions but the pressure was so bad I couldn’t even get out of bed without the help of my SO. I finally asked him if he would go to the store and find some red raspberry leaf tea because I read about how it could help you go into labor and I was willing to try anything at that point. He comes home with it and I immediately make a cup, drink it, and lay down on the couch. About 30 minutes later I got up to pee and on my way to the restroom I feel a gush of water run down my legs. I knew exactly what it was right away but I guess I was still in disbelief so I called my obgyn and she told me to go ahead and come in so they could check. I guess I thought I’d be able to come back home and pack a bag if it was the real thing so dummy ole me didn’t bring anything to the doctors office except myself and my SO. 🙄 They confirmed it was my water and sent me over to labor and delivery right away (my obgyn office is in the hospital I delivered at).

I get checked in and hooked up to all the monitors. The doctor comes in to tell me I’m only dilated to 2 1/2 cm and that if I didn’t start having contractions in the next two hours they would have to start me on Pitocin. Sure enough I still wasn’t having any contractions so they started the Pitocin and a few hours later I still wasn’t contracting much (just felt like mild menstrual cramps) so they doubled my dose. It started getting pretty uncomfortable after that so around 3am I asked for an epidural. The epidural was nice but I had a minor panic attack because I couldn’t feel my legs at all and couldn’t move but shortly after I finally fell asleep. When I woke up I had a new nurse who was amazing! She worked and worked with me because I still wasn’t contracting very well. She literally had her hand in me trying to get my cervix over my son’s head and would tell me exactly when to push because I still couldn’t feel anything. I pushed and puked for about two hours when she finally decided to get my doctor and ask her for the vacuum because my son’s head was pretty much lodged between my pelvis. As soon as she got the vacuum I pushed a few more times and he finally came out! Jackson Lane was welcomed into the world weighing 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

My big baby will be 3 months old on the 25th and now weighs 17 lbs 2 oz wearing 6 month clothes 😂😂 I love him to pieces 💙