Breastfeeding and pregnant

Cecilia • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl 😍 Baby #2 July 2018 😁

I have a 9 months old daughter and I’m 6 weeks pregnant. In the last couple of months she has barely gained any weight..Any Mamas who keep breastfeeding while pregnant? How s/was your experience? Did your milk dry up?

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I nursed my little guy until I was 16 weeks and he was 10 months. When I realized what was going on I could pump only 1 oz from each breast! And boy was he cranky. Doctor told me it may happen and it did. Started him on formula for 2 months before switching to whole milk. Good luck!


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19 weeks and still nursing my now one year old. (Just had his birthday 😊)


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16 weeks and still nursing my almost-1 year old, but she also eats a lot of food, too. No issues with her weight or growth, but she has always been a small peanut.


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I’m 13 weeks and still nursing my 11 month old. Nothing has really changed yes.