Rant- all the people getting pregnant that are already in sh*tty relationships!

Why oh why do people do this??? Why can't we have a test like to get a driver's license, to get a license to be a parent.  It is honestly soooo depressing seeing all the people complaining about their bad relationships and then saying well we got pregnant!  I'm not trying to be judgemental but I am pointing out facts that I just don't understand.  Why throw in a baby and have to take 2 people that don't have a good relationship to begin with and make them responsible for another human life?  Do people really think having a baby will make things easier?  I wonder if this will ever stop.  I work in a profession where I see the outcome of children from dysfunctional homes.  They have no fighting chance sometimes.  It's truly sad, and then to hear the stories of women on here who seem like they are emotionally and financially ready and able and have enough life experience to be the right kind of parent, they struggle to even get pregnant, then you read about 16 year olds who are on/off again with the SO, live at home, and smoke weed and such that get pregnant right away and expect that they have what it takes to be a good parent.  I'm not saying it is JUST an age thing, nor am I saying that it could NEVER happen to a teen, my mother got pregnant with my older sis at 17, and was an exceptional mom, but that is a rarity! I am just saying that it's hard enough in general to make things work, much less throw a kid in the mix.  It's just really kind of depressing to see the dysfunction on here and backwards thinking of people.  Sometimes I even wonder if these forums actually encourage it because teens connect with other teens who are doing the same sh*t and they justify it to eachother.  I waited until I found the absolute best person to get married to and have kids with and we both waited until we were ready in every way to bring children into this world.  I don't know why that is so hard for people!  What's the damn rush???