not sure what to name this topic

I have gained so much weight in the past year. Nothing is helping to get skinny. I just found out last month I have PCOS. I'm an ugly mess. No clothes fit me. I can't ever find clothes when I go shopping. I'm insecure. My face has been broke out since January 2015. Hasn't been clear. Makeup doesn't hide it, so I go without it. I had to cut off my hair because it was breaking off to where one side was way shorter in the other. It's hurts when I exercise (bad knees, and body hurts 24.7). I don't feel beautiful anymore. I don't have friends where I live. They are all back in Arizona. My daughter is my world, but is defiant. My husband rarely helps me clean the house , take care of my daughter and our dogs. I lost my sister in 2011 to suicide. I don't know what to do with myself. I can't stay motivated. I don't have any positive people around to help me lose the weight I need to. My husband wants more kids, we've been trying for 11 months now. 
I'm so lost. like sometimes I wish I was gone so I wouldn't have to worry about how I look and feel. Diets suck. 
I don't have anyone to talk to about this because it'll be negative crap said. 
Sorry for this being depressing.