Is 34 weeks too early to leave work?

Samantha • Skyla 1/15, Thorin 12/17, Lorelai 12/20

So I work at a bank, and it’s very high traffic, very busy al the time. Because of the high volume of customers, and the fact that we are ALWAYS short staffed, it’s a very stressful environment. By the time I go home every day, I have a headache, my feet hurt, and my back hurts so bad that I physically cannot move for at least an hour. I sit down on the couch at home and if I try to get up for anything the pain causes me to fall to my knees. I’ve also been cramping one and off for about 2 weeks now, and my stomach hurts to the touch, like the whole thing feels permanently bruised. I’ve told all of this to my midwife, and she says it’s normal, but I never had this kind of pain or cramping with my first. I’m just miserable and exhausted all the time. I really want to just say screw it and start my maternity leave now, but I feel like it’s too soon. My employer does give me 4 months, which is really nice, but idk, should I stay or should I go?

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