My husband and I are so excited!!! This is or first ever BFP and first child. I'm 32, been trying for 4 months after being on the birth control pill for 10+ years. I'm 16 dpo and got this!!! 😁👶🏼❤️
Thanks! I thought it was AF cramping until it stopped on due date but I had sore boobs from 7dpo onwards and still do
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This gives me some extra hope that it can happen soon I've been ttc for two months since being off the pill and I was on birth control for a long time as well. Congrats!
Hi dolce, sorry just noticed you replied. I BD'd day of fertile window, then skipped a day, for my high reading on OPK and we BD for 3 days, and that was it for us 😊
Dulce • Nov 26, 2017
If you don't mind me asking. ..when did you baby dance?