Baby growing = emotional mom

Lindsay 🌺

I have EBF up until now. But tonight we started solids for the first time. It made me a bit more emotional than I expected.... so much, that I cried. I cried because my little girl is growing up. She's six months already, and I can hardly believe how time is flying. I cried because up until now, my breastmilk has been all that she has needed. Now it's purées and water - neither of which my body can provide her. I cried because it's a sign that eventually the breastfeeding will stop and we will no longer have that physical bond. I cried because her poops will no longer have that sweet scent of a solely breastfed baby. I cried because her breath will no longer always have that baby milky smell. I cry now as I write this. I know beginning solids is a sign of growth and development, and perhaps I feel like a bit of a wimp for being so emotional, but I just can't believe my baby is growing so fast. I hate to admit it (because there are so many wonderful things to come), but part of me wants to stop the clock... and I think I feel guilty for feeling this way.

Anything like this happen to anyone else or am I just being an emotional mush?