Unintentional Self Torture 😩


Ok so over the last month shaving has become rather uncomfortable

Mind you first pregnancy I don’t recall having as much issues but that was years ago and I just remember pushing through

Well this pregnancy has been kicking my ass literally so I tried using nair sensitive thinking ok I’ll try it once and if I don’t react (sensitive skin typically) and all goes well then I’m good!

Today marks the 4th time I’ve used it in a month

I loved how smooth it made me, hair didn’t grow in as much and just have to sit there while it works it’s magic

I typically would do my legs along with my bikini area but today for some reason I opted out of doing my bikini area and felt hmmm I’ll just do legs..

Ladies, let me tell you... thank god I only did my legs!!!!

Before I go into details let me assure you that I never go past the 10 minute mark and typically only have it 6-7 mins

Well today nair and I became lifetime enemies!!!!

I felt a tingle and thought hmm ok it’s working, hopped in shower and began to remove it with the sponge

As usual I don’t scrub it off but simply wipe upwards as I always have

Then I started to feel a burning feeling as it washed off

I knew something was off..

I get out of the shower and it’s stinging a bit so I think ok put some vitamin e cream on it

Worst damn idea of my life!!!! Instant burning beyond belief like OMFG kill me now 😱

So back in the shower to wash the cream off and from there I leave it alone

Go all day and burning is not satisfying walking around so went online found out aloe is a good idea and went that route which is providing some relief

I feel like I had carpet sex and got the worst rug burn of my life on my legs and knees

Never again let me tell you!

Apparently pregnancy is full of surprises with skin changing it’s mind at any moment

And to think I contemplated getting a wax.. ya ummm hell no!

Here is a picture of my one leg.. both legs almost the same and for some reason around the knees is worse 🤕

Anyone else have similar reactions after using a product that they were fine with but then went horribly wrong??


Overnight the aloe was ok but I decided to slather up in virgin coconut oil and happy to say when I woke up this morning burning and swelling have gone down and it doesn’t look so red 😌

Yes I know we have sensitive skin during pregnancy but holy never imagined a week ago I would be ok then all of a sudden not

Lesson learned