Did you have your dogs around your newborn ?

So me and my bf live together and expecting our first child together . He has a dog that he's had since his daughter has been 4. It's a yorkiepoo and he's about 3 yrs old. He's a barker, not 100% potty trained, and doesn't see a vet regularly . I have reservations about bringing a newborn into this situation. Just thinking about him barking and waking the baby, or eventually the baby crawling and the dog having an accident. Plus not keeping vaccination up to date, makes me nervous when babies are susceptible to bacteria, illnesses and viruses. I've told my hunny about my concerns, and he doesn't really seem too concerned , as he believes all of these things will work itself out overtime. But I just don't know if I'm willing to risk my baby's health. Am I overthinking it?

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